الجمعة , سبتمبر 13 2024

FastStone Capture 6 full free download PreActivated

FastStone Capture 6

If you want to take the temperature of the screen, you can only use the PrtScr key on your keyboard. But even if you need to do some basic editing of the recorded image, then FastStone Take a good choice.

FastStone chapter, minimalist application to receive screenshots from a range of possibilities for its small tools and interface. The program contains a large number of ways capereimago (full screen, active window,A rectangular area, graduated hand-free areas and menatalship!) And he works with all popular formats.

When you take the FastStone Capture, however, it shows all the torture. The program allows you to take the picture to do it in several ways: add the title, convert the images, apply a variety of special effects, and form the exciting places liberumsuper the Toolbar, etc.,

FastStone Capture contains other interesting optionsSuch as to save themselves, and that the files, the support and keyboard can upload images directly or FTP server.

Capture the full-featuredFastStone is a tool that allows you to capture images, not just taking pictures of your screen, but also Editor.


Additae’Posside Scan: From the image “The case, when supported by the party, PDF, TIFF, JPEG and PNG This allows users to rotate, crop, correct, annotate and save directly the scanned imagesIn the gadget ..

He added, “Region Fixed size him”

He added: “Repeat Last Chapter”

However, it is possible to drag and drop the image and open the internal editor

Added: “It takes place with the Latitude” (print K) optiede internal editor

Some small improvements and bug fixes

FastStone Capture 6


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