Based on the true story of a young marine corporal, whose unique discipline and respect for the military war dogs have saved many lives during the participation in Iraq. Based on a true story of a young Marine corporal, whose unique discipline and pavagavaenny siborba dog saved a lotlives while participating in Iraq. When it was designed to clean K9 unit after a disciplinary hearing, Leavei identify with an aggressive dog, rivers, as well as the possibility of his coach. prekotok their services, Megan and Rex has completed more than 100 missions, while the IED eksploziyanaranyavane, puttingtheir fate in danger.
If a young Marine CPL. Megan Leavei (Keyt Mara) is designed to clean K-9 unit after a disciplinary hearing, he identifies himself with particularly aggressive dog, rivers, and opportunities yagotrener. Megan Rivers and completed over 100 missions povecheDIE explosion damagethem and put their fate in danger.
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