الأربعاء , أكتوبر 16 2024

Dark Blue World CRFF 2017 online full movie hd 1080p

Dark Blue World (CRFF) When flying the British Royal Air Force, Czech pilot Franta Sláma (Ondrej Vetchy) held in jail in the post Second World War in a totalitarian communist labor camp for her `betraying` his country. The story of the delay, the acclaimed director Jan SVERAK when Franta and his young ProtG VOJTISEK Karel (Krystof Haden) escape from Nazi-occupied Slovakia to join the Royal Air Force to fight against the Germans lead gaitu.Zapuztu not allowed tofly against enemy silamaaaringRAF to speak English and completed their re-training, the strong bond between father and son, Franta and Karel rapidly developing. After three months of training, will put an end to the fighting, but the stress of the war, his love Inglesa is a married woman, her great friend. “Dark Blue World” story about damaitasuna, community and sacrifice and romance of classic Hollywood movies and the historical background of the Second World War with the nostalgic feelings said.

Languages: Czech


General Release Date: March 9, 2017

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1 hour 48 minutes

Distributor: Film festival organizer

Cast: Ondrej wings, Krystof Hdek, Rybov Linda, Tara Fitzgerald, Oldřich Kaiser

Director: Jan SVERAK

Format: 2D

  • Dark Blue World CRFF 2017 full movie
  • Dark Blue World CRFF 2017 Full Online
  • Dark Blue World CRFF 2017 movie full online

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