الجمعة , فبراير 7 2025




Title: Earth DAWN

Genre: Violent, Action, indie

Developer: oneoreight

Publisher: Rising Star Games

Date of issue: 7 December 2016

For this game,

Twilight countries are threatening and the fate of the planet is in limbo! Connect the team of superfighters to human soldiers with alien technology and the fight to restore Earth called by Alien Invasion!

Dive into frantic side-scrolling battles and take the fight for the alien horde from destructionBosses OsvojteXP to unlock new skills through a skilltree, and then create new swords, weapons and equipmentThe material collected from the battlefield. Choose your own way to reveal the truth behind the invasion and save the planet before it’s too late!

Play as an elite soldier with Bionic Alien implants and the Earth to recover from the invading nightmare!

Your own soldiers, their skills to your style and manufactureOf new weapons and equipment customizing

Use a wide range of knives to move agility agility in fast fighting combos and earn rewards.

Discoverunique history that changes after the missions you choose to fight through.

System requirements


Operating system: Windows 7

Processor: Core i5-3470

Memory: 4 GB RAM memory

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 / Direct X 11 supports graphics card / Shader model

DirectX version 11

Storage:3 GB free space

SonorKarte: any compatible sound card



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أين برنامج العمل المرحلي لرابطة الثانوي؟

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