الخميس , أكتوبر 10 2024

Shivalinga 2017 Online Full Movie

ShivalingaRaheem die dropping a moving train and his death was declared a suicide. His wife, however, Sangeetha, refuses to believe that her husband committed suicide; he has no reason to do so. On request Sangeetha’s, heavy CID officer named Shiva is assigned to handle the Raheem’s case. He began taking into account Raheem’s father and a woman, but also Shiva’s wife Satya began to behave and should know why.

Language: Tamil

Another, NA

GeneralTarehePublication: 17 February 2017

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Running time: 2 hours 31 minutes

Distribution: Lotus Five Star

Starring: Shiva Rajkumar, Vedhika Kumar, Urvashi

Director: P. Vasu

Format: P2

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