الأربعاء , أكتوبر 16 2024

Star Trek Beyond 2016 movie full online Dual Audio Subtitles

– Hollywood film

Star Trek more

** 2016 **

1CD CAM / x264 / AAC

Video removed Flikering

Origin: Unknown (thanks)

Format: Matroska

File size: 697 MiB

Duration: 1 hour 53 million

The total bit rate mode: Variable

the total data rate is 860 Kbps


Format: AVC

Format / Info: AdvancedVideo Codec

Profile format: / * * /

Set the format, CABAC: Yes

Format Set 16: some personnel changes

Codec ID: V_MPEG4 / ISO / AVC

Duration: 1 hour 53 million

Baud Rate: Variable

vzrovenperadacha data: 794 kbps

Maximum data transfer rate: Mbps

Width: 720 pixels

Height:304 pixels

Screen Aspect Ratio :: 1

Frequency Drive Mode: Continuous

Frame rate: (30000/1001) FPS

Color palette: YUV

Chroma sub-sampling of 4: 2: 0

Bit 8 bits

Scan type: Progressive

Bits / (Pixel * Frame):

flow Size: IIB 643 (92%)


Format: AAC

Format / Info: Advanced Audio Codec

Format profile: LC

CodecID: A_AAC

Duration: 1 hour 53 million

Data Transfer Rate: Kbps

Channel (s): 2 channels

mestsaKanaly: Front: L R

Frequency: KHz

Frame Rate: fps (1024 TFP)

Compression mode: Lossy

Delay relative to video: 10ms

flow Size: MiB (7%)

on yaDefault: Yes

Category: None

Example: included

DDRRxclusive Encode

Format: MPEG-4

Viewing Format: Main media

Codec ID: Isom

File size: 758 MiB

Duration: 1 hour 53 million

The total bit rate mode: Variable

the total data rate is 936 Kbps

Scrambled Date: 2016/09/08 14:30:05 UTC

Tagged date: UTC 2016/08/0914: 30: 05

Writing Software: LiteMP4 Tool



Format: AVC

Format / Info: Advanced Video Codec

Profile format: / * * /

Set the format, CABAC: Yes

The specified format requires some changes: 3 frames

Codec ID: AVC1

Codec ID / Info: Advanced Video Coding

Duration: 1 hour 53 million

Data transfer rate: 800 kbps

The maximum data rate3884 Kbit

Width: 720 pixels

Height: 410 pixels

Screen aspect ratio: 16: 9

Frequency Drive Mode: Continuous

Frame Rate: FPS

Color palette: YUV

Chroma sub-sampling of 4: 2: 0

bit8 Bit

Scan type: Progressive

Bits / (Pixel * Frame):

flow Size: IIB 652 (86%)

Title: Import HPBK (domestic salesMarket 5)

Writing library: x264 core 80 r1376 3feaec2


ID: 2

Format: AAC

Format / Info: Advanced Audio Codec

Format profile: LC

Codec ID: 40

Duration: 1 hour 53 million

Baud Rate: Variable

kasiViwanda: 128 kbps

The maximum data transfer rate of 149 kbit

numberchannels: 1 channel

Space channels: Front: C

Frequency: KHz

Compression mode: Lossy

flow Size: IIB 104 (14%)

Scrambled Date: 2016/08/09 14:30:18 UTC

poznachenyydata: 2016/09/08 14:30:19 UTC

  • Star Trek Beyond 2016 Watch Movie
  • Star Trek Beyond 2016 english stream Watch Online Movie
  • Star Trek Beyond 2016 Full Movie Online hd free

40 4 Torrent vote


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