السبت , يوليو 27 2024

X Men Apocalypse 2016 full movie English Dual Audio

With the emergence of the first mutants in the world ‘s Revelation, X-Men must unite to defeat the plans of his disappearance.

Director: Bryan Singer

Author: Simon Kinberg (screenplay), Bryan Singer (story)

Stars: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence

Genre: Action | adventure | Fantasy | Sci-Fi

United States

Language: Bahasa Inggeris


SOURCE: 720p KOR – Thank you!

VIDEO: 1250 Kbps XviD

Resolution: 720×400

Duration: 2h23m33sec

Subtitles: Korea (Hard coded)

Audio: CBR 192 AC-3

LANGUAGE: BahasaInggeris


  • X Men Apocalypse 2016 dual audio hd watch full
  • X Men Apocalypse 2016 Online Movie
  • X Men Apocalypse 2016 online full movie

45 5 Torrent vote


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