الأحد , أكتوبر 6 2024

NI Multisim Education Edition 14 64-Bit Download PreActivated

NI Multisim Education Edition 14

NI Multisim (formerly known as electric Workbench) is an ideal environment for the design of electronic circuits and make links simulation.

With NI Multisim electronic circuits can be designed from scratch. You will have all kinds of existing components, allowing to simulate and analyze the activities in each section. Since this is an issue of education, has been designed specifically to meet the needs of teachers.

NIMultisim has besarKomponen electronic databases, standard regimen, links and VHDL simulation module, supportthe RF circuit, PCB generator, among other functions. Because it all happens in a simple and integrated environment, it will be easier for computer and electronics students to understand, especially when it comes to more abstract concepts.

Additionally, NI Multisim allows you to load additional modules for a specific process. For example, programowaniemikro-controller and ASM or C Multisim identify jugaSesuaimakosa, you should check the behavior of the design and make prototypes. All this can be achieved withouteducation on the links, which is a big plus.

NI Multisim is a very good environment to design, analyze and create electronic circuits. important and necessary tool for electrical engineers and technicians.

NI Multisim Education Edition 14


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