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The Banner Saga 2 update download

The Banner Saga 2

Title: Mark Saga 2

Genre: Indie, RPG, strategy

Creator: stoic

Editor: evil

Release Date: April 19, 2016

Meta Score: 84

About the game:

The award-winning and nominated for a BAFTA series continues the saga flag 2. Continue your journey following the events Banner Saga again. Your choices will be the first game, who lives and who does not live influence in this exciting sequel. While the world continues to crumble around him, only the remains of a bastion nadzieiale there vaiesixen strong leadership,hard sacrifices, bringing new heroes, and, as always, a good strategy in the fight.

Features of the phone game

The epic saga continues in the fight sequences Viking beautiful hand-drawn 2D animation and enhanced with special effects, accompanied by the outcome suggests that the Grammy-nominated composer Austin Wintory

choice player who continues to turn his attention to their story continues based on the choices made in pierwszymgry and difficult choices must present facernun.

new charactersand new species continue their epic journey interacting with new characters and a new race, Horse Born.

Improved strategic combat with better results, more strategic fight card battle and improve the permanent loss of the characters continue to weigh on the head long after the fighting is over.

The journey is as important as the fight of his role in building and zarządzaniujego convoy vast landscape is crucial, not only for its own survival while traveling,but the entire civilization supervivenciade

The Banner Saga 2


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