الخميس , أكتوبر 10 2024

Adguard Premium v2 Portable Download

Adguard Premium v2

(Advertising blocks without roots) Adguard Premium-RC

Requirements: Android +

Basics of advertising without roots

AdGuard ensures reliable protection and management immediately and without any filter sharing pages. Adguard remove all ads annoying, Upton website dangerous, and does not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet.

When the web processing, adguard do many things at once:

1Remove ads and follow online directly kutokaukurasaon.

2 Audit database of phishing sites and hurt us.

3. Check downloaded from unknown sources.

What’s New:

Add exception # 673

Information about expiring license 606

Block ads affect video news # 711


Features unlocked PREMIUM | No credit adds weight



Adguard ensures reliable protection and management and instantbilaushiriki your filter loading the page. Remove AdguardYou all ads annoying, Upton website dangerous, and does not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet.


– Comfort and safety

-You will be amazed how to close Internet comfort and security after AdGuard.

– Adguard for Windows

– The short list of changes important memory decline significantly to use, we make a simple addition new filter advertising Cooper does not know, now tofautiugani it, support browser for new conflictsPermanent programs popular and unusual process applications and much more.

-Reduced memory consumption

– It is urgently optimal to use the memory. Well, even if your computer is old or too weak, adguard works quietly in the background without slowing down the device. We compared the trace memory and one of the last ones. And it must be said that the results show very little.

– Ad Filter More

– Even adguard inaakawa even more comprehensive program.Well canUsers to install the ads. What does that mean? In addition to the adguard installed by default, you can add three, as well as a list of filters that allow adblocks to adguard in different internet sites in different languages, especially. All this can be done directly in the program, simply select the filter you want by clicking the Add button.

– It seems possible risks

-UshirikianoAnd Web reliability isThe current extension, which can be disabled. He also warns to change a visit to suspicious websites. Help The WoT, AdGuard, we can inform you immediately about the reputation of the site and identify the reasons for which the site is suspected. Type suspect, especially issues that might be illegal, unethical or misleading, bad customer experience, risk, and privacy.


1.Unpack and install

2Continue to copy medical system installation

3. Run Management

4Patch- and wait until finish


Adguard Premium v2


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